Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jesus isn't around, okay?

Ummmm… hey. What's up, yo. Ummmmmmm… oh, yeah. Jesus isn't around right now. This is his friend Jeremy? From the high school football team? The one who doesn't wear a shirt? Yeah, that's me. Anyway, Jesus isn't around right now because he's waiting in line for some kind of baby book about a magician or something… I don't know. And he's trying to figure out how to get wifi while he waits in line. So he wanted me to write you this quick note so you wouldn't worry or nothing. He said he'd figure it out by tomorrow, and he'll talk to you then. Want to see a picture of me without my shirt on? Cool. Here you go.


See ya.


Rebecca said...

Jeremy, you are hawt! Is it true that you spoke in class today?

If you want company while Jesus is out, let's hook up. (You *are* 18, right?)

Rebecca said...

p.s. I think that you are missing articles of clothing besides your shirt in that photo you posted. Just so you know.

Anonymous said...

HEY that's a pearl jam song right?

Oh Sweet Moses! said...

I knew I like you for a reason Jeremy. Between you and me, this is a breath of fresh air. JC's rants are becoming tired. I am done with the whole Trudy/Damien drama that dragged on and culminated with a kiss. I want more Jeremy, Karen and gamboling.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeremy . . . thanks for the update. Has Jesus told you anything about Wal-Mart's plans to offer Jesus action figures in some of their stores? Is he getting paid for that? Later, Paul.

Gregory said...

Hey Jeremy. Woot righ back at you!

Redhead Creations said...

Well helloooooo Jeremy! Nothing like a half naked footballer to get things going around here. If Jesus was gay, he should totally go for you. But, I suppose you'd have to be gay too...

Hope JC's having a good time with all the little wizards waiting in line!

Take care, and have fun tossing those balls around!

The Ichthyophile said...

Rebecca: cool ye jets, girl!
cold shower! whoooooooooo!

Unknown said...

hi jeremy... have you turned 18 yet?

*crosses finger* please be legal please be legal please be legal


Narcess said...

Thanks for the update. Do me a fav nextime you see Daimen don't just throw him in a dumpster. Use him as a tackeling dummy. That sucker deserves a beating. When you see JC give him a "what up ninja" from me...

Jesus H. Christ said...

Hey, this is Jesus again. Sorry about that Jeremy sexy photo thing. I had no idea.

1) Ummm… Jeremy's gone, but I'll pass on the message. Sheesh. He should get his own blog, for cryin' out loud.
2) I didn't even want to ask what was going on "down there."
3) He gets that joke a lot, he tells me.
4) Thanks a lot, "Feelings Hurter."
5) Ugh. I hate Wal-Mart! It also smells like stale cheetos and old people.
6) I'll pass along the woot.
7) That sounds like sexy talk.
8) I'll say! It's like a sailor-talk convention around here!
9) Oh my goodness.
10) Did Jeremy throw Damien in the dumpster again? YAY! He can post dirty pictures on my blog anytime!

Anonymous said...

cool beans jer

u r hot
maui lawyer

Anonymous said...

it hurts when i pee

Anonymous said...

at the age of 8 i started serving christ i studied hard secured school first in higher examinations .
completed my B.E and scarificed a great job for christ ministries.
iam now 35 years of age five times i committed suicide because of heacy problems.
i have done everything for him but jesus had spoiled my life.
5 Years i dont have job.
this is lesson to all people who sacrifice themselves to christ.
i have got excellent testimony in chrsitian community.
father after seeing conditions went into heart attack.
he is god of partiality.
i made a mistake in sacrifing my beautiful young life of 20 years.
iam planning for other suicide because of the merciless cheater christ.

Medical Transcription Services Provider said...

thanks for the wonderful information. Keep on posting. Praise The Lord!!!
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